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Page 7
They wave to me.
“Hey again, Sydney,” Davidson greets, smiling.
“Hey.” I purse my lips while glaring at Parker. “My cousin will be here soon. We eat lunch together.”
He shrugs. “Nia can join us, too.”
“Actually, I rather eat over there with her.”
I’m startled as Parker stretches out his long legs under the table and locks mine.
“Uhh. What the…”
“Just have lunch with me,” he says firmly.
I slouch and release a long exhale. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” I grumble, annoyed that I’m starting to feel so drawn to him.
Parker clasps his hands on the table. “I already told you. Because I like you, Sydney.”
“Aww,” Penn Coleman swoons teasingly. “You two are cute.” He shakes his head, glances at his phone, and nudges Brian Nunez. They laugh at something.
Davidson keeps watching Parker and me.
“Wear a dress tomorrow,” Parker says, pulling back my focus. “You looked cute at the pool party.”
Sucking my teeth, I say rebelliously, “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“And yet you’ll still show up tomorrow,” he replies smartly, winking.
“Yeah, because you keep bugging me.” I eyeball him and lower to my tray to eat.
Davidson chortles at us. “This is quite entertaining.”
Nunez draws them into football talk. Parker doesn’t loosen his legs from me even then. Admittedly, part of me doesn’t want him to.
Anjali and another girl settle in the seats on my right. “Hey, Sydney. Eating with us today?”
“Yeah, guess so.”
She gives me a friendly smile.
Anjali doesn’t wear makeup like me, mostly lip-gloss. And her lovely hair is always up in a ponytail.
“You know, you’re looking better and better in training,” she praises.
“Thanks. It’s tough. But I’m determined to make it. I have a newfound level of respect for soccer players now.”
“You’re on the soccer team?” Parker asks, refocusing on me.
“Not exactly.”
Anjali giggles and says out of earshot of everyone at the table, “Just so you know, Parker only went out with me once. It wasn’t anything serious.”
I gulp, feeling awkward. “Oh, actually, we’re not together. You don’t need to explain.”
She crinkles her brows and glances at him for a second. “But…he sent a warning to all the guys.”
“Is that so?” I fold my arms and throw Parker a furtive glance before asking Anjali, “What kind of warning?”
All the guys at the table chuckle under their breaths, including Parker’s friends.
Anjali harrumphs. “Well, guys aren’t allowed to ask you out. They’re not even supposed to talk to you.”
Scoffing, I snap my head to Parker. “You’re something else.”
He shrugs like it’s no big deal and resumes eating his lunch.
I peer around the table at all the guys. They avoid making eye contact with me like the plague. Aubrey sucks her teeth aloud before falling back into conversation with Ji-won and others.
Anjali nudges my arm and whispers, “You know, Parker’s never pursued anyone like this. He took me on a date after my dad humiliated me following the loss of a match.” She frowns. “It was horrible. Parker wanted to help. He put his arm around my shoulder in the hallway, and all the jokes stopped.”
“Wow. Parker has that much power here?” I ask in a hushed voice.
She flinches at my question as if it’s silly. “He’s a Prescott. Son of the headmaster. He comes from a line of Spencer graduates, and he’s the star quarterback. But Parker’s actually not bad. He sat with me that night of said match and cheered me up. He told me he could relate.”
That does sound kind of him. My defenses soften.
I chance a look at Parker again. He’s laughing at what Davidson is saying. I could listen to him laugh all day.
“Ahem.” I turn back to Anjali. “Why are you telling me this?”
She smiles and picks up her fork. “Because I can see you’re wondering about him.” She goes back to eating.
Yeah. I’ve been thinking about Parker like crazy.
Nia enters the cafeteria and searches for me. I wave to draw her attention. She scowls.
“I’m sitting with my cousin,” I say.
Parker locks my leg. “She can join us.” He waves her over.
Nia beams with curiosity and ambles over. Anjali gives her the seat between us.
Aubrey huffs. “So, anyone can sit with us now?”
“You could always leave,” Parker suggests, features serious as he glares at her.
She purses her lips and tosses her hair off her shoulder, going back to her conversation.
Nia settles next to me. “Well, hey. What did I miss? How did this come about?”
“Long story,” I utter.
A few minutes after she starts to eat, someone blows an earsplitting horn, startling everyone in the cafeteria.
“What the hell,” I blurt, cringing.
Heads turn in the direction of the doors.
“Attention, everyone!” a muscular guy yells to the large room. He has two pretty cheerleaders on either side of him. “Guess what’s going down this afternoon!”
“Oh my gosh.” Nia straightens in delight. She giggles with Anjali. Their eyes are bugging out like a deer in headlights.
“It’s freaking Seniors Mud Games!” the guy roars.
Everyone in the cafeteria jumps and shouts in joy. Guys pump their fists. Girls squeal in their seats along with their friends.
“Ew,” Aubrey grumbles in annoyance. “No way.”
“Games start in an hour,” the guy informs us. “Don’t bother coming if you don’t wanna get dirty!”
People start clearing out like they hear money is being given away. Parker moves his legs from mine and stands with his friends. He throws me a brash smirk before leaving like he’s daring me.
Nia and Anjali are overflowing with excitement. They start to clear their things.
I’m the only one confused.
Putting up a hand as if I’m in class, I say to them, “I’m lost. Can someone please explain?”
Nia settles her laughter a bit. “Oh, sorry, cuz. It’s an annual event for seniors. I’ve been waiting three years for this.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” I chuckle, picking up my tray. “But what the hell is it?”
Anjali cuts in, “A guy versus girl thing where you basically compete in activities covered in mud. It’s messy, but it’s freaking fun!”
“Yeah,” Nia chimes, wiggling in the spot. “Every senior is going.”
“Oh.” Including Parker. Why does that tickle my belly?
“Let’s go change and hurry to the field.”
“Don’t wear anything you hope to wear again,” Anjali advises.
I nod. “Got it.”
The more they talk about these mud games, the more eager I become.
Leighton is already dressed in black shorts and a matching tank when I reach the room. I stall by the door, a bit surprised.
“You’re going to the mud games?” I confirm.
“Yep. It’s the perfect excuse to throw filth in the faces of people I can’t stand.”
“Geez.” I shake it off and retrieve dark blue denim shorts and a black top from the dresser drawer.
Once I’ve changed, we meet Anjali and Nia downstairs and head across campus to the activities field. There’s a huge mud pit in the middle.
Some girls are wearing sports bras with booty shorts that leave their butt cheeks showing. We’ve all tied our hairs with scarves.
Leighton eyeballs them as we make our way to the girls’ part of the field. I find I’m unable to avoid searching the other side for Parker among all the boys. Most of them are only wearing shorts or joggers.
Nia nudges my arm and nods in the direction of Kawan. He’s also shirt
less, dark skin smooth-looking, upper body flawlessly in shape, and driving my cousin mad.
“We’re going on a date tomorrow night,” she says and bites her lip.
“Ooh. Nice. So Kawan was interested, huh.” I bump her arm and giggle with her.
The P.E. teachers gather at the side of the pit. One of them blows a whistle for everyone to quiet.
“All right, Spencer Lions, listen up!” she yells. “There are three challenges. Mud run, rope climbing, and last but certainly not least, tug of war in the pit.” She laughs at that part.
“Cool,” I murmur. “Sounds like basic military training.”
“I know, I love it,” Leighton says on a chuckle. “Jason is so dead.”
“That’s your boyfriend?” I ask.
She points across the field. Jason nods in return and gives her a devious wink. He has his dark hair in a small ponytail and what appears to be a Japanese kanji tattoo on the left side of his ripped chest. Is every boy at Spencer in shape? What kind of fitness system are they running here?
Standing two guys over is Parker. I’m surprised at how disappointed I am that he’s wearing a t-shirt.
When he finds me in the crowd, butterflies start playing tag in my stomach. Christ.
Why does he have to stare at me like that? Those tormenting mesmeric grays follow me even into my dreams. But why do I like that?
I wince at the sound of another whistle and snap out of it, cutting my gaze from Parker.
People sign up for what they want to participate in. I opt for mud run and tug of war.
There’s a cut off number so they can arrange us into groups, and I end up in a group with Leighton. We slap hands then look across the field to the boys we’ll be going against. Just my luck, Parker’s in it.
Or maybe he made sure he was, like in AP English.
“Mud run!” the P.E. teacher barks. Pointing at me, he says, “You’re first.”
Leighton shoves me forward. “Let’s go, Bell! Come on!”
I make my way to the start of the muddy course, glimpsing the obstacles up ahead. When I look over for my opponent, which happens to be Cory Davidson, Parker taps his friend on the shoulder and gestures for him to step aside.
Parker smiles sneakily when he comes over. “So, you took my bait. I’m impressed.”
“Hm.” I lift my chin in confidence and declare, “You’ll be even more impressed when I beat you.”
“Huh. Is that right?”
The P.E. teacher gets ready to blow the whistle.
Parker announces quickly, “If I win, you’re going on a date with me tomorrow.”
The whistle blows before I can retort. He dashes off ahead. I hurry to catch up. We reach the first obstacle where we have to crawl under a low wooden bridge.
Mud gets onto my face right away. “Ugh. This feels yucky.”
Parker laughs. “Looking sexy over there, Sydney.” He’s moving so damn fast, reaching the end first, and straightening on his feet.
“Have you been training for this all your life?”
This only makes him laugh.
I try to pick up speed, but it’s hard on the mucky ground. Parker is already at the second obstacle, which happens to be monkey bars.
He jumps up and quickens his way across with ease like he’s competing in Ninja Warrior.
When I grab onto the bars, I can’t move that fast. My shoulders ache. “Oh, that’s so not fair! You’re a football player.”
“Sounds like an excuse, Sydney,” Parker teases, dropping down at the end. He dawdles in the spot. “Or maybe you wanna go out with me.” He winks, and turns and continues the run.
Puffing, I muster up all the strength I can and finish moving along the bars, landing on the other side. Perhaps a part of me does want to go out with Parker. But another side desires the win.
I push through the mud, getting close to his back. Our boots sink with each step, slowing us down. I hear grunts behind me and glance over my shoulder. Leighton and Davidson have already started. Leighton’s winning.
This gives me brand-new strength.
Parker slows down a little when he reaches the third and final obstacle. The wooden wall.
He’s about to jump up and grab the top when his foot gets stuck in the mud, causing him to plunge to the ground. Sludge covers his back.
“Ha-ha.” I make a jump for it but fail to grip the top, slipping as well. “Damn it!”
Parker gathers himself and pushes to his feet. “Never celebrate early, baby.” He shoots up from the mud, grabs ahold of the top, and pulls himself up, grunting along the way.
“Ugh.” I’m still struggling to reach up even as he climbs over. Damn it. I’ve lost.
Wanting to finish the run, I keep trying. My eyes go wide when Parker grasps my hand at the last attempt, helping me to grip the top of the wall.
When I heave myself up, our eyes connect in an odd and impeccably lasting moment. Something like electricity courses through my body, and an unsteady breath seeps from my lips.
“Did I just win your heart?” he rasps sexily.
“What?” I murmur, only to snap to my senses when Parker spins away, jumping down from the slab on the other side to continue running.
“Shit!” I hurry over, going as fast as I can through the mud. But it’s too late, he’s already at the finish line.
“Woo! Way to go, Parker!”
Even though it’s girls against boys, the girls are still cheering for him.
“What the hell.” I throw my hands up and arch over, exhausted.
Parker offers them a slight wave before looking behind at me. Breathing heavily, he walks over and says, “I’ll see you at six tomorrow.”
“No…” I swallow hard and straighten. “There’s still one more challenge I’m doing.”
He curves an eyebrow. “What’s that?”
“Tug of war.”
Leighton jogs up to my side, huffing and puffing. She’s covered in mud from headscarf to boots, barely recognizable.
Catching her breath, she gives me a thumbs up and smiles. “I got us a point.”
I high-five her. “Awesome job, roomie.”
Davidson reaches us. He drops into the grass and groans. “That. Freaking. Sucked.”
Parker inches closer to me and lifts a hand to my face. I shudder as he wipes mud from my cheek.
“See you in the pit.” He brushes my arm as he steps past, helping his friend from the grass.
Leighton chortles.
I squint at her. “What?”
She turns her head. “It’s just…interesting.”
Waving it off, we make our way back to the area where the massive mud pit lies.
Nia joins us shortly with Anjali. They both competed in the rope climb.
“How’d you do, cuz?” Nia asks.
I frown. “Lost to Parker. But Leighton won hers.”
Anjali gives Leighton a fist-bump. “Good job.”
They’re in high spirits. “I assume you both won your challenges?”
“Yep,” Nia answers, excitedly. “Easy peasy.”
Once they have enough kids to start the first round of tug of war, the P.E. teachers hand out gloves and instruct us to gather at either side of the pit.
Parker’s team is pumped. Boys flex their muscles shamelessly and goof off. They shit-talk us, making me even more determined to win.
Our group leader at the front has a stern expression. The veins in her neck bulge. She looks like she’s ready to pummel the guy in front of his team.
We pick up the muddy rope and get ourselves ready. I’m standing behind Leighton. Nia and Anjali are behind me. At the sound of the whistle, everyone tugs like their lives depend on it.
“Pull!” the girls’ leader barks at the same time as the guys’ leader does.
We’re all fighting for strength, drawing the rope as hard as possible. I feel my body slip forward just a little with all the girls and struggle to
pull back.
“Come on!” our leader shouts.
We move backward a few inches. Hope fills me. Oh my gosh. We could actually beat the boys.
We tug the rope back some more. But all of a sudden, one of the girls’ trips and we lose a bit of momentum. It’s enough for the guys to yank us forward into the pit.
“Ah!” Girls scream as muddy water drenches our bodies, going into crevices, I’m sure.
They push each other around, trying to get out.
Looking at my friends, we burst into laughter at how much mud is all over us. No one’s recognizable.
“It’ll take us days to finally be clean,” Leighton jokes.
We help each other out of the pit and head to the outdoor showers. There’s a line, so some of the girls share with their friends and even with guys since it’s two waterfall-like taps in one stall.
Leighton enters the concrete stall with Jason when it’s his turn in the boys’ line.
Kawan glances at Nia, a sneaky smile at his lips.
Going shy, she looks away.
“I think Kawan is sending you an invite,” I tease, poking her side.
Nia giggles. “I can’t.”
Anjali’s standing in front of us. When it’s her turn, she nudges Nia to go with her.
I wave them off when they offer. “I’ll wait. It’ll be too crowdy with the three of us.”
Getting my turn, I undo the mucky headscarf and stand under the water, washing as much mud from my body before I return to the dorm.
I jump when Parker gets in with me, yanks off his t-shirt, and stands under the other tap. He watches me without saying a word as he rinses off the mud.
Unable to stop myself, I bite my lip and glance at his body as sludge glides down his firm six-pack.
“I won,” he says, at last, making my head fly up. “Tomorrow. Six o’clock.”
Parker shuts his eyes while skating over his drenched hair and allow water to wash off his face some more. He looks like a male model in an Old Spice body wash commercial. I wonder if he even uses Old Spice. No. He probably showers with something much more expensive.
“Hey!” some girl snaps me out of the fantasy. “They’re people waiting here!” Others give me bitchy glares.
Parker chortles before hurrying from the stall. I quicken out, apologize with my head low as I walk by, and catch up to my friends.